0800 917 5526 sales@jprgraphics.co.uk

With Expolinc Graphic Profile your message will hang where you want – without fuss

Graphic Profile is an aluminium profile for hanging posters and banners up to 0.8 mm in thickness. The image is attached with a snap, without screws or glue. The symmetrical shape and centred image, lets the profile hang straight and it looks identical from either side. There is no spring mechanism which allows it to be easily cut to desired length or drill in for mounting on a wall.


The profile hangs straight and looks identical from both sides.

The profile hangs straight and looks identical from both sides.

The image is attached with a snap, without screws or glue.

The image is attached with a snap, without screws or glue.

Length (mm) 2000
Width (mm) 19
Height (mm) 19
Max panelthickness (mm) 0,8

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