0800 917 5526 sales@jprgraphics.co.uk

Pop Up Magnetic – Straight or Curved image wall!

Today the Pop Up Magnetic is seen as a standard for large image walls at events and presentations. Few loose parts in combination with an easy and solid construction, gives you great attention. When adding a Screen Holder to your Pop Up Magnetic, you will be able to show moving pictures at events, exhibitions and meetings.



Pop Up Magnetic Curved, 2x3 Pop Up Magnetic Curved, 3x3 Pop Up Magnetic Curved, 4x3
No. of squares 2×3 3×3 4×3
Design Curved Curved Curved
Width (mm) 1915 2535 3065
Depth (mm) 510 710 970
Weight, package (kg) Basic/Travel/Standard/Case & Counter 8,5/15,5/23,0/26,5 10,4/18,0/25,5/29,9 12,3/20,0/27,5/31,0
Height (mm) 2224 2224 2224
Pop Up Magnetic Straight, 2x3 Pop Up Magnetic Straight, 3x3 Pop Up Magnetic Straight, 4x3
No. of squares 2×3 3×3 4×3
Design Straight Straight Straight
Width (mm) 2016 2749 3482
Depth (mm) 322 322 322
Weight, package (kg) Basic/Travel/Standard/Case & Counter 8,8/15,8/23,3/26,8 10,8/18,4/25,9/29,4 12,8/20,5/28,0/31,5
Height (mm) 2224 2224 2224

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